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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What scholarships are offered by Graduate Women Victoria?


Am I eligible to apply for any of these scholarships or bursaries?

Which universities are meant by ‘Victorian universities’?

I do not live in Victoria,  but I am enrolled online in a Masters degree in Education in a Victorian university. Am I eligible to apply?

Does Graduate Women Victoria offer scholarships for undergraduate study?

I am enrolled in a Masters degree in primary education – am I eligible for these awards?

I am enrolled in course units which if completed successfully will lead directly into further units towards a Masters Coursework degree.  Am I eligible to apply for a scholarship in the Masters Coursework category this year or should I wait until I have completed those units which would make me eligible for the award of Bachelor degree? 

I am enrolled for a one-year professional Masters degree. Am I eligible for the scholarships and bursaries in the Masters by coursework category?

What kinds of disadvantage are recognised?

Do I have to be a member of Graduate Women Victoria in order to apply for these scholarships and bursaries?

May I apply for or gain more than one scholarship?

If I have other scholarships or awards, may I apply for one of Graduate Women Victoria scholarships?

Do I have to state what the scholarship money will be spent on?

Does Graduate Women Victoria offer grants for travel?

Where can I find out about similar scholarships?

Applying for a Scholarship

At what stage of my course should I make an application?

How do I apply?

What is the application deadline?

Is there an administration fee?

What do I need to send with the application?

What kind of document is accepted as proof of enrolment?

What academic transcripts do I need to include?

What is an Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)?

What evidence of disadvantage do I need to supply?

What should I include in my personal impact statement?

What do I need to do about referees’ reports?

Can I edit my application once I have submitted it on the website?

My question is not answered here, where can I get assistance? 

Awarding the Scholarships

How are the winners decided?

When will I know the outcome of my application?

Will all scholarships/bursaries advertised be awarded?

Can I request the reason why I was not awarded a scholarship?

How are the scholarships presented to the winners?

Funding the Scholarships

How is money raised for the scholarships and bursaries?

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