1922 - 2008.
Maureen Christie joined AFUW Victoria (now Graduate Women Victoria) in 1952 and was
secretary of the Ballarat Branch for more than 30 years. She was nominated as one of
Ballarat’s Great Women in 2010. Details of her life are taken from the Women’s Health in
the Grampians website.
Lifelong campaigner for the advancement of women
Maureen was born in Queensland and the Christie Family moved to Perth, Western
Australia when she was young. Maureen commenced school at Loreto Convent in Perth.
She had great talent and interest in acting and gained a Diploma of Speech from Trinity
Maureen wanted to be a doctor but medicine wasn't available in Perth so she completed first year Science in Perth, then transferred to Medicine at Melbourne University. After
completing second year Medicine Maureen switched to Physiotherapy, graduating in 1944.
Maureen also completed a Dramatic Art course at the Melbourne Conservatorium and
played in many theatre parts, including Sophocles ‘Elektra’, to great acclaim.
The family moved to Ballarat in 1944 and established Christies Ballarat Cool Stores
business and Maureen contributed enormously to its success. Maureen also started her
physiotherapy practice in Ballarat which she conducted for the rest of her life.
Maureen subscribed to the Arts all her life. In Ballarat Maureen was heavily involved in
theatre, acting in and producing many plays for the National Theatre Company and she
commenced the Ballarat Writers and Poetry Group.
Maureen also loved travelling which she combined with attending overseas professional
conferences. She brought back many new treatments for her patients from these
conferences including connective tissue massage. Maureen believed in equality and that
women could achieve whatever they wanted.
Her numerous other interests included dressmaking, weaving, conservation, bird watching
and Scottish country dancing.
The Maureen Christie Bursary was awarded to Alexandra Irwin, a student at RMIT
University, in 2010.